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Lifestyle Comparison between Rich and Poor | Rich vs Poor | Signs of poor life – The Live Time

I know that many of you are on your way to achieving financial success. So just wanted to explore aspects of lifestyle comparison between rich and poor. This article guarantees our mediocrity, so let’s explore it.

10 things poor people do that the rich do not | rich vs poor | rich mindset | poor mindset
10 things poor people do that the rich do not | rich vs poor | rich mindset | poor mindset

Please take all of these with a grain of salt and realise these are here to make you think about your current situation. And what you could do to better yourself? As always there are plenty of exceptions to these rules not everyone is in control of those circumstances. But being aware of these habits and activities might give you a slight edge and who knows if you stop doing them maybe you’d be closer to that goal. Have you ever thought what are things poor people do that the rich don’t?

You’ve been dreaming about things poor people do that the rich don’t. Let’s have a look at lifestyle of poor people compared to rich people. Following are the 10 things poor people do that the rich don’t.

1. No Respect of Time

Poor people watch a lot of TV. Let me put it this way if you have the time to watch reality TV, You’re probably poor. It’s always amazing how much time poor people waste on Meaningless television. It’s one of those distractions that grabs you and doesn’t let go if you know which celebrity is dating who and if you’re watching TV shows every week as The episodes come on if you have a favourite news channel. There are rare occasions where in the words of John Lennon,

Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time?

But really think about it should sitting and slide watching a screen be something you really enjoy doing before we move forward to the second thing poor people. Instead use the power of the internet to get a quick glimpse of what the world is like today and move on to do your own thing.

2. Focus on Buying Unnecessary Things

Poor people buy clothes or products that are on sale. Let me put it this way the only thing you should buy on sale are stocks. While poor people are looking to conserve or stretch the little that they have the rich are focused on increasing their incomes. Just think about it the clothes that end up being on sale are the ones that people who could afford to pay the full price. Didn’t want by buying clothes on sale you’re just making sure that you’re looking exactly like someone who can’t afford to pay the full price.

3. Lazy Lifestyle

Poor people wake up later than rich people do in their early years. Poor people are often lazier than the rich in the early days. We know that some of you will be bothered a lot by the previous statement, but statistically It’s the truth someone who used their youth to grow themselves is a lot less likely to remain poor later on in life instead if you wake up late.

Don’t educate yourself waste time on meaningless activities at one point you’ll find yourself so far behind what the world needs from you that you’ll end up miserable the Paradox is that people who do not focus on growth in the early days end up working a lot harder with little success rate later in life just To stay afloat. Successful people like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Warren Buffett and more wake up early. You can check their lifestyle and daily routine to get inspiration.

4. No use of Passion

Where people are really into sports the truth is unless you’re a professional athlete or an owner of one of the teams there is really no reason for you to watch sports. It’s the same with television. It’s escapism from your current reality. Think of it like this, you’re putting yourself in a position Where you as an individual have no impact on the outcome of the game. Zero Impact this behaviour then sticks with you And you end up being a spectator in life instead of being a player or an owner? And that’s when you start criticising other people when you yourself haven’t done anything better.

5. No Guts to Accept Failure

Poor people blame others for their misfortune. How many people do you know that have some sort of excuse or blame other factors for not being successful yet? There are some things that are out of our control but 99% of your life is on you. Remember that you are in charge of your life. You are in charge of your relationships. You are in charge of your health you want these to change do something about it life is not. What happens to us It’s how we react to what happens to us. When something bad happens the poor choose to victimise themselves while the rich look into it study it. They seek to find out what happened, Why it happened and how they can protect from it in the future? While one assumes the position of vulnerable victim the other uses it as a growing point.

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Let’s continue reading remaining aspects of lifestyle comparison between rich and poor.

6. No Money Management Skill

Poor people have no money saved. One of the differences between poor people and the rich is that the former don’t get ready for what’s next. Having money put aside allows for Growth. Let’s say something bad happens, if you have money put aside the problem is solved and you can resume your life. If you don’t and the situation is urgent what do you do you either liquidate an asset like your car house? etc. Or you can take a loan for the rich when the situation is over. They’re left in the same position – the savings While for someone who’s poor their lifestyle has been dramatically hit or now belongs to the creditor.

Now Let’s look at the exact opposite an opportunity arises. Those who have money put aside? Now have the chance to expand their lives while the other can’t afford to take a full advantage of this opportunity. That’s why the rich are growing richer while the poor are getting poorer?

7. Family Expansion Without Planning

Poor people tend to have more kids and earlier in life the truth Is kids are really really expensive. We all know how fun it is to make them or at least? They don’t think it’s true. Just to give you a sense of perspective, if you’re living in one of the more developed countries raising a child will cost you approximately 250 thousand dollars because of a lack of education.

That environment and other factors poor people have on average more children and at a younger age than their rich counterparts. While the rich wait a couple of years until their standards of living improve in order to assure the right environment and prime conditions for Their child to flourish. The poor just go ahead with it once the baby comes the struggling begins just so they can stay afloat and progress beyond barely surviving is almost impossible to achieve.

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8. Careless About Personal Health

Poor people do not do regular checks one health with doctor. We’ve touched on the importance of health in the past, but this is an especially important point for people. Do not get health checked regularly. Let’s say by mere chance you end up having a difficult disease, Let’s say cancer.

If people do regular check-ups, They’ll discover disease in early stages, making the treatment possible at a lower cost if on the other hand you neglect to do so you might discover it only when it’s too late. It will cost both you and your entire family of Fortune And no matter how much money you have you might still lose your life.

9. Habit of Spending Before Earning

Poor people spend money before they get it. One of the biggest dangers in life is spending money before you have it the second you start borrowing money or acquiring expenses before you’re able to pay them. Your life starts to spiral down if you don’t have money for something that you’re willing to part without affecting your life, then you can’t afford it go back to work And then get it.

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10. Remains Dependent on Others

Poor people believe that others should help them reach the top. The world doesn’t owe you anything. Nobody does believe it or not you’re in this by yourself. You are in charge What happens in your life? The thing is everyone believes when they’re young that they’re going to be successful, but then reality happens this world.

We’re living in rewards only. The best are those that never quit and those that keep learning. Keep adapting and understand that nobody will solve their problems for them. Face them head-on and along the way you might meet people who feel the same way and might share parts of the journey with you. Otherwise people will just be a part of that majority that’s meant to fail.

I know this article is bit lengthy, but I believe that maybe this article will help you in your journey. If you know someone who’s guilty of any of these 10 things, Please do them a favour and share them this article on lifestyle comparison between rich and poor.

I’m curious to know what do you think of lifestyle comparison between rich and poor? What would you add to this list? Let me know in the comments below.

Posted in Articles, Business

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  1. Mayur Bharatkumar Solanki

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