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Welcome to The Live Time, your leading source of knowledge.

Dedicated to share you the very best of content to read, with a focus on happiness, health, productivity, technology and more. Through our peer-to-peer apps and social communities, I bring The Live Time content together so all can support each other in the pursuit of gathering life-improving knowledge.

Founded in 2020 with aim to share knowledge, The Live Time has come a long way from its beginnings. In the beginning, The Live Time focused on sharing news articles for public awareness. Later when passion for writing drove us to jump into writing meaningful blogs and articles so that The Live Time can offer you practical and adaptable knowledge. The Live Time now share resourceful content for our readers all over the world with different categories like entertainment, sports, travel, science, technology, health and business. Our team is thrilled that it is able to turn their passion into own website.

Creative Content
Creative Content for Knowledge

Content on this site are provided in English language. At The Live Time, I hope you enjoy reading articles as much as our team enjoy offering them to you. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


The Live Time

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